Peter McBride

Antique and Old Tools
Updated :- Saturday, 19 July 2008  

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William Slomell 1879 – 1962  

Wilhelm Otto Schlomilch came to Australia from Germany, and anglicized his name to William Slomell. He worked as a pipe maker, silversmith, ivory and amber carver at 3 Royal Arcade, Melbourne in the 1910’s. Later in the ‘20’s and 30’s he worked tortoise shell, pearl shell, ivory, amber, silver and gold. Making hair combs, clips, spectacle frames, silver compacts, monograms etc. Below is a picture of William From a newspaper cutting, January 1939

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A sample of monograms and a tiny comb, amber pipe mouthpieces, mother of pearl, tortoise shell, a few carving tools, pieces of  ivory, spectacle frames and a brass former to make shoe horns.
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Tortoise shell scroll work, and a few pairs of spectacles.
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Pipe making supplies - Briar pipe bowls, and stems in vulcanite and a few in amber.
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Wooden and a Bronze collet chucks for the lathe
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Boring tools, engraving / carving tools, scrapers and a float.
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Slomell's name punches.
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A. ingot mould and torch for pouring precious metal ( gas and air mixed in the torch and directed to the crucible, then rocked back to pour the metal into the two piece mould), foot bellows, and a stake set.
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Billheads from 1910's and 1920's.

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Some examples of Williams early work.

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Copyright © Peter McBride 2008