Peter McBride

Antique and Old Tools

Updated :- Wednesday, 29 July 2020  

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Follow this LINK to look at 6 different makers' with STEEL marked planes
A close look at some dovetailed infill planes marked Norris, Mathieson & Buck. 
Here is a representative selection of planes from my collection.
These Norris made infill planes are marked very boldly on the lever cap, and with STEEL on the front toe.
I think it's safe to say these are Norris made planes.
Apart from the very early and rare planes by Spiers, there are two distinct styles of Mathieson marked planes I own.
Firstly:-  Early planes with no mark on the metal or levercap, and marked Mathieson on the wood with the identical STEEL punch used on the Norris planes.
I believe these were also made by Norris. The punch deteriorated over time with cracks and chips, seen as missing bits in the punch's impression.
Secondly:- Later Mathieson planes, marked into the metal or the on the levercap, and with
the italic STEEL  on the front.
I believe these were the last of the Mathieson marked infill planes, and were Mathieson made.

Five Planes marked Norris with the same STEEL punch

Norris - #2 Smoother.

 The punch is still fresh. 

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Norris - #6 Smoother.

The punch looks very fresh still.

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Norris - #A6 Smoother.

There is a faint crack starting to appear in the top of the S

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Norris - #5 Smoother.

Note the top of the S

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Norris - Jointer Plane.

Here the S looks like the top of the letter has finally broken away from the punch.

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Two Mathieson planes marked STEEL with the same punch

Mathieson - Closed handle Smoother.
A  rarely seen plane. Only marked very faintly on the front bun with the genuine Mathieson mark. Very much in the Norris #5 style.
Marked with the same punch as the Panel Plane below. Note the top of the S 
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Mathieson - Panel Plane.

Another plane looking like a Norris plane, and marked Mathieson on the front bun only. Stamped with the same punch as the planes above.

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Two Buck and Two Mathieson planes marked STEEL with the same punch as the Norris planes above.

Buck - Panel Plane.
Note the top left on the "T", and the top of the "S" missing.
Compare it to the Norris jointer above.
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Buck - Skew Mouth Rebate

I can see enough of the stamp to be certain it was the same as the one above, and it's a typical Norris #8 plane.

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Note:- Not all Buck planes are Norris made, others including Spiers made for Buck.

The 5 planes below, it is pretty safe to assume, were made by Mathieson. 
All the planes of this type that I have, and have seen have the same italic
STEEL mark.

Mathieson - Skew mouth Rebate Plane. 01a.jpg (69261 bytes) 01.jpg (53404 bytes)
Mathieson - Open Handled Smoother 02a.jpg (62483 bytes) 02.jpg (63471 bytes)
Mathieson - Jointer 03a.jpg (51777 bytes) 03.jpg (56889 bytes)
Mathieson - Open Handled Smoother 04a.jpg (73227 bytes) 04.jpg (42806 bytes)
Mathieson - Unhandled Smoother 05a.jpg (70921 bytes) 05.jpg (55441 bytes)

Unfortunately there were many tools fraudulently marked by a UK tool dealer, exploiting this lack of marks in the metal on Mathieson tools. A fake MATHIESON & SON, GLASGOW punch was stamped right where this Mathieson mark is usually seen in the wood.
See here how to recognise the Fake Mathieson Mark and compared to some Genuine Marks 

Copyright © Peter McBride  2020